Thursday, September 11, 2014


I graduated!!!! I now have a Bachelor's Degree since Friday - almost exactly a week ago. :)

So, the big question: what are you going to do with your life?

Well, I don't know all the details yet, and I think I'm grateful for that too because where's the fun in life and the trust in God if you know all the details, right?? Anyway, I do know that for now I'm fortunate enough to live with my parents and younger brother for the next three months. I am currently doing film editing work from home and I also have another job and am looking to get a third part-time job. My goal right now is to make as much money as I can so that I can save up!

In January, I'm planning to go to Europe for a while and then the plan is to move to L.A.; we'll see if God guides me another path, but for now, that's the plan.

Anyway, my transition period has been really nice. It's been great to just enjoy a peaceful life with my parents with frequent random outings, whether they are biking with my dad and brother or running out to get froyo. ;) I really can't complain! Life is pretty sweet right now. :) Sure, I have moments where I start worrying: am I really doing the right thing? Shouldn't I be living on my own already and getting started on my career? I need to meet people, etc. But then, I just sit back and remember that I need to enjoy each moment and period in my life as it happens. And, as I've heard from severel wise professors, it's really alright to step back a little after working so hard in college.

Overall, I am very grateful for this experience and trust that God will lead me where He wants me.